Saturday 09.07.22

SERENDIP: Tuva necklace

Serendip is the Norwegian Academy of Music's own jazz festival, which takes place in winter each year. On Saturday 9 July, Serendip moves into the Jazzbox - and showcases the latest and hottest happenings in student circles at the moment!

Concert start: 15:30 Price single ticket: Free,


Violinist Tuva Halse writes compositions for his own tuvahalse band, which consists of five musicians originating from the jazz line in Trondheim. The music is influenced by Nordic jazz and pop, and is inspired by melodious musicians such as Adam Baldych, Lars Danielsson and Kenny Wheeler. The ensemble finds itself in a sound world where the electronic meets the acoustic, and where the cold and introverted meets the expressive and energetic.

Tuva Halse – violin, synth, Jakob Nordli Leirvik – vocals, Emil Storløkken Åse – guitar, Oda Steinkopf – bass, Øyvind Leite – drums

Concert start: 15:30 
The jazz box opens at 12:00

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