The oasis of poetry: Stein Torleif Bjella – The Soil Disease Anthology
Earlier this autumn, Stein Torleif Bjella published the poetry collection Jordsjukantologien no. 1. Now he is coming to the festival's poetry oasis to perform this live.

The soil disease anthology was very well received by both critics and the public. Now Stein Torleif Bjella has been challenged to perform excerpts from the Earth Disease Anthology live. How this will actually play out live, no one knows yet. Text-based performance reading? Slam poetry? Monologue? Lecture? Reading aloud? Narrative art? Poetry reading? Spoken words? Stand up? Talking blues? Radio theater? Or maybe just small talk? Whatever we call it, it happens every now and then, and you have to be there when it happens!
A unique opportunity to hear one of Norwegian music's strongest lyricists in an intimate and different setting.
Stein Torleif Bjella (text), Geir Sundstøl (string instrument), Eirik Øien (double and electric bass), Kenneth Kapstad (percussion)
There is a 20-year age limit at Christians Kjeller (but free age limit at Poesioasene)