Saturday 07.07.18
Jazz talk with Ola Kvernberg
- informal conversations about jazz and cultural policy topics every day in the Jazzbox
Concert start: 12.00
Price single ticket: Free,

Jazz talk with Ola Kvernberg, one of the country's most versatile and innovative jazz musicians.
He is one of the country's foremost and most enthusiastic jazz musicians. But with a number of releases in recent years, violinist and all-round musician Ola Kvernberg has burst out of most categories. His band Steamdome has met a new audience with explosive power. All in all, Kvernberg has had an adventurous career since his days as a "child star". He meets music journalist Audun Vinger from Jazznytt18 for an exciting and — if we know Kvernberg right — entertaining conversation this Saturday morning.