Jazz film: ORION - MEADOWS & IO
There are few constellations more shrouded in myth than Orion; The hunter, the Wintermaker, the demigod, the cradle of life.
Wednesday at 20.30 p.m. Tickets NOK 100
ORION is an art project, a kaleidoscopic journey with melodic atmospheric music wrapped in CA Breda-Gulbrandsen's expressive film art.
A massive collision of sensory impressions that sends you into the nebula and back. Meadows & io were active in the 2000s and released their debut album Fieldwork in 2009.
In the last 10 years, the members have been busy with other projects and have been seen in bands such as Ulf Myrvold Band, As the tired trains cross Europe, Sightseers, Kvelden og Natta and Triad of Light.
Vegard Eggum – guitar, vocals; CABreda-Gulbrandsen – synths, visual art; Julian Bugge Moe – bass; Svein Olav Eriksen – drums; Gavin Baker – guitar