Join as a volunteer

At the Kongsberg Jazz Festival, the volunteers are called officials, and also go by the nickname "festival's gold". It is not without reason! Every year several hundred officials give their experience, time and heart to the festival. Without these people, the Kongsberg Jazz Festival would not have been what it is today. We hope you will become one of them!

"The little yellow" - the officials' handbook with the necessary information, can be downloaded here.


Link to damage and deviation forma

Link tenl protection round form


  • Experience with festival production and many new friends
  • Official card and ticket to concert (subject to capacity) 
  • Functional t-shirt
  • Official prices for food and drink
  • Lunch and a hot meal on the days you work.
  • Officials' party after the festival
  • All officials are insured through the festival

Click here to register as an official

Age limits:  There is a lower age limit of 13 years. Many of the tasks at the festival require you to be over 18, but there are many tasks that can be completed by those under 18 as well. There is no upper age limit - you are never too old to contribute to the Kongsberg Jazz Festival!

How much do I work as a clerk?  We want you to be with us throughout week 27. How much you work depends on which tasks you are assigned to and which group you are part of. If you want to contribute, but do not have the opportunity to set aside the whole week, get in touch with us to look at possibilities. 

Here is an overview of them the work tasks you can search at:

  • Accreditation: Responsible for the accreditation of artists, officials and guests, the switchboard and acts as an information centre.
  • Artist Services: Ensures that musicians and their crew get what they need in terms of food/drink, wardrobe at venues, hotel accommodation etc. That artists arrive at the right time and in the right place when it comes to sound tests, press conferences, concerts/clubs or other events. In this group you should be over 18 years of age.
  • Bar: Operate the festival's own bars and ensure that the audience quenches their thirst.
  • Official service: Takes care of our volunteers so they get a super festival. Everything from being someone to chat with, to tracking down lost keys, finding accommodation and making waffles. Simply be a support and show care! And not least helping to organize the functionary's party. 
  • Shirt: Kaos is responsible for the practical execution of the events. The tasks are varied and usually of a practical nature. Key words: Driving, loading, unloading, carrying, carpentry, construction, signage, loading, lifting, retrieving, bringing, stacking and rigging.
  • Environment: Environment is responsible for keeping the festival clean and sustainable. Garbage is not just garbage! It is important that it is handled correctly. The festival is proud to be an environmental beacon, so this work is important. 
  • Media: Consists of PR/Press Centre, festival photographers, web editors, social media, information screens, video and audio recordings. Most of the tasks require specialist knowledge/experience and parts of the tasks also require own equipment.
  • Audience host: (formerly the guard group): Ensures that the audience has a nice and safe experience at a concert. 
  • The children's festival: This is a separate "festival within the festival", which is largely carried out with the help of young officials. Many have their start in the festival here. Ticket sales, operating activity stations etc.

Click here to register as an official

Questions about work tasks? Get in touch at then we'll help you!

More detailed information about your rights as an official in the festival:

  1. Officials who work every day during the festival and in connection with set-up/dismantling receive all salaried benefits. Contact the group leader for more information on how this is done in the individual groups. 
  2. Officials who do not work "full-time" are compensated by agreement with the group leader.
  3. Officials' card gives free entry to all concerts at Kirketorget and entry to other concerts subject to capacity. Officials are admitted after the paying audience and must use their own official entrance at Kirketorget and other venues that have this.  
  4. Official tickets. Officials who work every day during the festival are given two official tickets (free) to optional events. AThe administration and head of the sales group determine the number of official tickets for the individual event, after an assessment of the capacity. 
  5. The officials order their official tickets themselves via their own link at Ticketmaster. This link is sent to all officials at 9 on Wednesday morning during the festival week. They must use the telephone number and email address they are registered with in the official system to order the official tickets. The tickets can either be used by the official himself, or they can be given away/forwarded to others. Official tickets are non-refundable and resale is not permitted. Misuse of the scheme will result in tickets being deleted or invoiced after the festival.
  6. Two official t-shirts for use while at work. 
  7. Food and drink 
  8. A hot meal on the days you are at work. 
  9. In case of extra long shifts, the group leader provides meals. 
  10. Official prices for food and drink at selected eateries.  
  11. Training for white-collar workers if special training is required, such as a forklift driver's licence. 
  12. Meeting and voting rights at the officers' meeting (general meeting). The officials' opportunity to influence the festival's future. 
  13. Discount on Barnival passes: 2 Barnival passes for the price of 1. Purchased using the Ticketmaster link and password sent (sent from the group leader).  
  14. Accommodation. Out-of-town clerks are offered accommodation in connection with voluntary work at the festival. Accommodation at the Church Center and the jazz camp/swimming hall is free. When staying in an apartment or house, the festival charges a deductible according to the type of accommodation. Details to be agreed with the accommodation manager. 
  15. Official party with good food and drink vouchers with this year's award ceremonies on Sunday evening.